It's Time to Wake the Vines…

Greetings Sonoran Savorers!
As winter wends its way to the southern hemisphere, we're gently waking our Sonoran vines from their long slumber — time again for dormant pruning. It's hard work, trimming back all those woody canes, encouraging the vines to erupt with green shoots that produce our delicious Petite Sirah, Grenache, and Mourvèdre grapes.

Here's a glimpse of the end of the "season of the sticks," a pivotal step on the long journey from desert soil to your dinner table!

(Music by Sonoran friend Marco A. Rosano -- you can see Marco perform at the Century Room in Tucson, a guaranteed delight)

Sip Sonoran

Sonoran Wines is nestled in a meandering bend of Turkey Creek near the foothills of the Chiricahua Mountains. Our unique location and mineral-rich soil support our extraordinary grape production, connecting every sip to this magnificent desert landscape.

Don't miss out! We sold out last year—order your Sonoran Wines today!

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